Quality in Learning

While it is not necessary to learn to spin on expensive fiber, it is advisable to learn on QUALITY fiber.

That is why I advise new spinners to stick with commercially prepared fiber, a dealer that has very good reviews or one that offers a small sample of fiber first. eBay...don't believe the feedback. If a "learn to kit" is sold, chances are, it is bought by someone who does not know anything about fiber.

Quality does not nessarily mean expensive either. White fiber is often less expensive than colored or dyed fiber. Mill ends, the small amount of fiber left over from big jobs, are cheaper than large amounts of fiber. Mill ends are often in 1 - 2 ounce pieces. The perfect size to learn on.

So when you are buying online, please communicate with the dealer. Ask for references - ask for a sample. Do not allow low quality materials to keep you from learning.

Personally, I like teaching on the medium to long wools. Coopworth is great - as is Romney and Border Leicester. I prefer teaching on roving over top. Top is often too slick for new spinners to control. Everyone will pick a favorite sooner or later. No matter the type of fiber, in the beginning, you need to make your job easier. Quality fiber will ensure you have a good chance of success.

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